Leisure Travel Van & RV Lithium Upgrade Guide

Get the most out of your RV without being handcuffed to a power pole. Our setup gives you the ability to run your rooftop air while having the most lithium in the limited space of a Class B / B+ or small C

Why We Chose To Upgrade to Lithium In Our Leisure Travel Van

One of the most important reasons to become an RVer is the feeling of being free to explore the great outdoors. There is no worse feeling than having to skip out on a beautiful spot in nature because your rig can’t be without a power hookup or simply stressing out because of fear of battery levels.

That’s the reason we decided to do a lithium upgrade.

We’ve now helped dozens of people do the same and all of them say it was beyond worth it! To get the most freedom out of our Leisure Travel Van, we upgraded to the Lithionics 320ah with a 3000 Watt inverter. We can now run our air conditioner completely off battery and no more battery anxiety!

What’s the best Lithium For Leisure Travel Vans, Factory or Aftermarket?

Some people choose to get the lithium option from the factory, which costs 2-3X over retail for minimal power. For some folks, the convenience of the factory lithium option is fine and they don’t mind paying a high premium.

However, there are several drawbacks to factory lithium more than just overpaying.

  • You are not maximizing the amount of power you can get in the battery compartment of a Leisure Travel Van. The factory Dragonfly batteries are only 200ah. In contrast, the Lithionics 320ah has a smaller footprint than the two Dragonfly with more features. The 320ah has 37% more power (or the equivalent of another complete dragonfly plus 20 extra amp hours). At $20.65 per amp hour for Dragonfly versus $14.05 per amp hour for Lithionics, the Dragonfly are not just more expensive, but less power and features.

  • With just 200ah of lithium, you won’t be able to upgrade to a 3000W inverter. A 3000W inverter is amazing, allowing use of the air conditioner on battery power & using higher watt appliances such as hair dryers, microwave or air fryers without worry. Dragonfly / Battle Born require minimum of 300ah of batteries to use 3000W inverter. The Lithionics 320ah is more than enough power to use a 3000W inverter.

  • The battery heater supplied with factory lithium is dependent on you turning it on manually, while the Lithionics 320’s heater is controlled by the Battery Management System, eliminating human error. The Lithionics also comes with built in bluetooth, eliminating the need to add a smart shunt to monitor battery state of charge, stats and power information from your phone. To have this convenience with the factory battery option, you must add smart shunt after market, increasing your costs once more.

What are the alternatives to factory lithium?

There are several good lithium upgrade options on the market. Each option has its pros and cons. We ultimately went with Lithionics as our lithium power solution. Why? Incredible quality, amazing customer service, built-in heater and built-in Bluetooth (no need for a smart shunt).

However, the biggest selling point was having the most power capacity that fits in the small footprint of our Leisure Travel Van. We get 320ah of usable capacity in the space designed for 100ah of usable AGM or 200ah of Leisure’s available lithium batteries.

Here is a helpful comparison chart we created for you of the most popular options.

12V 320AH
Dual Lithionics
12V 130AH
Dual Battle Born
B12V 100AH
LTV Offered
Lithium Upgrade
Price Per Amp Hour $14.05 $10.76 $9.49 $20.65
Max LTV Power 320 Amp Hours 260 Amp Hours 200 Amp Hours 200 Amp Hours
Bluetooth Monitoring Included Included $154 Accessory $154 Accessory
Battery Warmer Included 𝗫 𝗫 Included
Pagosa Rating Max Off-Grid Essential Upgrade Less Power, Limited Features High Cost, Lower Capacity

Don’t just take our word for it. Check out this great video comparing the build quality of Lithionics brand batteries.

Lithionics VS Dragonfly (Battle Born). HUGE BUILD QUALITY DIFFERENCES

We have enjoyed Lithionics so much as a customer that now our company, Pagosa Supply Co has formed a strong partnership with the company to become an official authorized dealer and work directly with the CEO and team there to deliver the best lithium batteries for LTV owners.

Buy Lithionics lithium batteries online

Ready to Get Started?

Maximize your Power

There are two paths to take when upgrading to Lithium. You can simply swap your current batteries for lithium or upgrade the inverter as well.

If you wish to upgrade to a 3000 watt inverter, you will be able to run your Air Conditioning and just about anything else in your coach with zero worries about your power.

Let’s look at an ultimate upgrade that includes a 3000 watt inverter to run Air conditioning.

Components list

If you have a Leisure Travel Van Unity, you need to prepare your battery bay floor, and add a bit of cabling, so the following hardware is needed. Drill Bit, Hex Nut, Bolt - Watch Instructional Video

This upgrade opens up a whole new world of possibilities for your RV trips. Also, it’s really helpful if you travel with pets. A worthwhile investment to enjoy your RV at it’s fullest.

Where Do I Purchase the Lithionic battery?

Pagosa Supply Co is an Authorized Lithionics Dealer, and the trusted battery source for the Leisure Travel Van & RV market.

With simple, online ordering, you can rest assured that your battery purchase will be an easy process. Your battery will come directly from the factory in Florida, made just for you and ready to go.

For the inverter, soft start and other components, we have compiled the items you need to be purchased directly from Amazon and other sources listed below.

Is this a DIY project or do I need professional installation help?

We have easy to understand written and video guides to help you do a DIY install or there are many professional installers you can hire to make the transition. If you have a 2020 or newer Leisure Travel Van, the process is much easier than you think to DIY. Or if you prefer to hire an installer, make sure they read our supplied guides to make sure you have a safe install.

If you are in the Dallas area, or would like to travel here, we offer professional installation services for Leisure Travel Vans 2020 and newer right here at Pagosa HQ

2020 & Newer Leisure Travel Vans

If you have a 2020 or newer Leisure Travel Van the upgrade is a breeze. Here is a synopsis of the upgrade. REFER TO GUIDES FOR MAXIMUM SAFETY AND CORRECT CONNECTIONS.

  • Simply swap out the factory batteries for the Lithionics 320ah (Minding to replace hex nut for offset in floor)

  • Swap out the inverter (plus adding a the required extra on/off switch to protect from capacitive in-rush)

  • Add a Soft Start to your rooftop air (Click Here to Save $30)

  • Move the AC breaker to the inverted side and you have the ultimate situation for quiet, worry-free boondocking.

  • Storage Guide for Long Term or Cold Weather Storage

Man standing next to a vehicle with the text "Graham Carr, Pagosa Preferred Lithium Installer" and "Unity" visible on the vehicle.

Installation Services at Pagosa HQ in Dallas

We have partnered with Graham Carr, 20 years of Airstream & LTV electrical experience for professional installation services right here at Pagosa HQ.

Great News for Wonder Owners!

Lithionics has just introduced the Boss 302, a 305ah battery that fits in the battery box of the Wonder RTB and even better in Wonder MBL, RL & FTB floorpans. Same features as the 320ah, just more compact while only losing 15ah.

Check out these easy to follow video tutorials for both battery only install and battery & 3000W inverter install.

If you Choose Victron over Xantrax

If you can not purchase a Xantrax inverter or prefer a different option, the Victron 3000W Multiplus II will also work for this upgrade. Use this guide if you have a Victron inverter.

2016-2019 Leisure Travel Vans

If your LTV model is 2019 or older, it’s not quite as simply swapping out components. But don’t worry, it’s not that much more difficult either. You’ll have a few extra steps, but you can totally DIY-it.

We don’t yet have an installation video, but thanks to Sandy Johnson, we have a thorough guide.

Hiring a Professional for Installation

If you don’t have the confidence or time to do the installation yourself, hiring a professional is a good idea. Not all RV technicians are familiar with this upgrade. You can point them to this webpage and, with our guides, any capable RV tech will be able to do the installation. Prices vary widely, but we find this is typically a 1-day job for them to complete. Call your local tech or dealer to get a price quote. Some LTV owners even use this upgrade as an excuse to take an RV trip to visit an installer.

Lithium Battery Charging Calculator

Lithium Battery Charging Calculator

Choose the amp hours of your battery bank and then your charge rate. For example, if you are on shore power and have your charge rate set to 50, put 50. If you are calculating from solar, use the average amps per day you expect. If you are calculating from DC to DC charger, then assume 24 amps for a 30 amp charger, and 34 for a 50 amp charger. Keep in mind the answer will be an assumption your battery was at zero. So to calculate from say, half full, just divide the amp hours into the percentage full. For example, a Lithionics 320 at 50 % capacity would need 160 put in the Amp Hours field.

Transform your RV power capabilities

If you’re ready to have ultimate LTV travel freedom, it’s better to start acquiring the components sooner rather than later. We have seen that several of the components are frequently out of stock, have significant lead times, or can have sudden price increases due to material shortages.

Here are helpful links to get exactly what you need. When you get your Lithionics battery from us, Brandon and the team will directly help answer some initial questions for you to help guide you through the upgrade process.

Don’t be intimidated, you can do this! We will help you.

A smiling man in outdoor clothing stands next to text reading 'Get Brandon's Lithium Setup in Your RV.' The image includes a logo for Pagosa Adventures YouTube featuring mountains and trees on a topographical map background.

Our Lithium Setup

Everything you need for ultimate RV freedom is linked below.

Space is a premium and the 315ah battery fits in the Unity battery bay designed for two traditional size batteries. So that’s equivalent to SIX AGM batteries or
THREE Dragonfly / Battle Born

Lithionics Spec SheetWarranty FAQ

Red lithium-ion phosphate battery with label showing technical specifications, including LiFePO4 technology and 12V output.

Lithionics 320 Battery

This upgraded inverter will have the power to handle the power demand of the rooftop air while running your coach effortlessly

Xantrex 3000W Inverter


Upgrading to a 3000W inverter requires placing an on/off switch between inverter and battery to help resist high capacitive in rush. Plus it’s never not a good idea to have one.

On / Off Switch

Battery switch with on and off positions, labeled as Blue Sea Systems, model 6006, with ignition protection marking.

One of the first upgrades I did. Allows you to run air conditioner from 20 amp household plug and required to run air conditioner on your lithium & inverter upgrade setup.

Click Link & Save $30

SoftStartRV device for RV air conditioning system


A must have to monitor & adjust inverter settings with bluetooth connection to your smartphone. *Leisure Travel Vans come standard with non-bluetooth remote.

Screen Shot 2021-07-26 at 6.31.59 PM.jpg

Xantrex Bluetooth Remote

Additional hardware: Drill Bit, Hex Nut, Bolt - Watch Instructional Video

Other FAQs

Here are some helpful things to know

  • We are more than authorized dealers with Lithionics, they view us as the LTV upgrade experts and refer LTV customers to us. We have the simplest purchasing process online. You pay a flat fee with your credit card and we cover the credit card fees and variable cost of shipping so you know exactly how much it will cost you. Hard to beat that deal!

  • While we are headquartered in Dallas, Lithionics batteries ship directly from the Lithionics factory in Clearwater, FL. It’s impossible to give an accurate estimate of how long shipping lead times will be due to fluctuating inventory. However, in most cases orders ship within 3-6 weeks. Customers do have the option to pick up their battery in-person from the warehouse. They are delivered by a small freight truck on a pallet.

  • When we first started talking about LTV lithium upgrades, Lithionics was only offering 315 amp hour batteries. Since then, they have improved the battery to include 320 amp hours in the exact same form factor. All new customers will automatically be upgraded to the 320. We still use the 315 terminology simply to avoid confusion because that is what is widely known among the LTV owner community.

  • In AGM or lead acid batteries, you can tell your state of charge via it’s voltage. Lithium-Ion Iron Phosphate does not have a “linear” curve of its charge and discharge voltage readings.

    Instead, it is a non-linear or exponential curve. Thus, to accurately report State of Charge, the Battery Management System or BMS counts AMPS going in and out of the battery, similar to cars passing through a toll booth. The Lithionics app on your phone or the Ion-Gauge will tell you everything you need to know about SOC, amps in, amps out as well as being able to update the battery firmware.

    Look at the chart explanation here.